Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Beginning

I want to create a food blog.

I have been cooking for several years now, so why when I go to plan our meals for the week am I always starving for ideas of what we could have?  I scour my recipe box, cooking blogs, and magazines every week looking for something to make.  Since I put so much work into looking for recipes, I want to create a food blog to keep track of the things that I cook and to record our reviews of the meal so that I have ideas for next time.

My food style:
Vegetarian, well actually a Pescatarian who doesn't really eat too much fish and would like to someday stop eating fish.  I enjoy whole foods and altogether healthy things.  I want to reduce the amount of dairy that I consume, so will probably use some Vegan recipes.  I currently eat WAY too many sweets and desserts because those are the most fun to make, so I will have to find recipes for baking things that are healthier (and just generally consume fewer sweets/desserts).

I am excited to take on this new venture of creating a food blog.  I have followed many food blogs and enjoy the recipes that I get from them.  I am excited to have a record of the things that I have made so that I can recall easily if we enjoyed the dish, how long it took to prepare and how much work was involved with the preparation.  I want to share the recipes that I find my family and friends in hopes that they will enjoy the food too!

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